Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Weeks 7-10: Form, Contours, Positive/Negative Space, Perspective

Lots of excellent drawing going on at the Ranch during the past several weeks! We worked on study sketches showing the roundness and contours of veggies and various objects, while aiming for accurate proportions. Students got into using large format paper and charcoal while studying texture, light, and shadows.

Shown above are pumpkins by Kevin. Left is his smaller study sketch and to the right is his large charcoal drawing.  

Upper left are study sketches by Francisco; upper right is his large charcoal drawing. Lower left is Juan's study of a lantern; and to the right is his large format charcoal drawing.

Above left is Enrique's contour sketch of a pumpkin. Above right is Victor's large format charcoal drawing of a dolphin vertebra.

Students learned to look for the negative space around the egret to form the contour edges of its body. Upper right is Francisco's study of positive/negative space. Upper right shows his finished egret. Lower left is Cristian's egret; and lower right is Jazmin's final sketch.

Above is Juan's carefully rendered impression of squash and a pumpkin. And to the left is his portrait of the Joker.

Everyone also spent time learning about 1 and 2-point perspective. Above is Jazmin's (left) and Erika's (right) study of 2-point perspective.

Click 'Read more' below to view everyone's drawings and Rob's comments...